
Strategic parking review

Latest progress in your area

Phase 1 - Leith / Abbeyhill and Gorgie / Shandon

In September 2022, the Transport and Environment committee approved the making of a traffic order to introduce controlled parking zones into the phase 1 areas.

Read the September 2022 Transport and Environment committee report

CPZ controls have been introduced in the following areas, as shown on the maps linked to below:

  • Zone N6 (Abbeyhill)
  • Zone N7 (Leith Walk / Pilrig)
  • Zone N8 (Leith / North Leith)
  • Zone S5 (Shandon)
  • Zone S6 (Gorgie)
  • Zone S7 (B8 priority parking area)

New North Zones - N6, N7 and N8

New South Zones - S5, S6 and S7

Phase 2 – Easter Road, Lochend / Ryehill (called “West Leith” on our plans), Bonnington, Willowbrae and the A8 Corridor

An informal consultation process took place in February and March 2021. The results of that consultation were reported to the Transport and Environment committee in August 2021.

Committee decided that monitoring of the potential impacts of phase 1, and further engagement on the design and detail of the phase 2 proposal, should be undertaken before a decision is taken on the future of phase 2.

Download an indicative timescale for phase 2

Phase 3 - Priority parking areas B1, B3, B4, B5, B7 and B10, plus Fettes and Prestonfield & Phase 4 - Newhaven, Trinity and Portobello

In December 2022, the Transport and Environment committee approved the commencement of the statutory process to introduce controlled parking zones into some of the phase 3 and phase 4 areas.

The areas affected are B1, B3, B4, B5, Fettes and Portobello.

Committee also approved an amendment in Portobello to the extent of the area being considered, with the area affected being extended eastwards in response to consultation feedback.

The legal process is expected to start in the coming months, in conjunction with a review of the designs that were consulted upon. That review will amend the designs where possible to reflect consultation feedback.

The remaining areas of B7, B10, Prestonfield, Newhaven South and Trinity will be monitored in order to assess whether the introduction of parking controls into nearby or neighbouring areas has any impact on parking availability or pressure.

Download an indicative timescale for phases 3 and 4