
Report incorrectly parked vehicles

If a vehicle is parked incorrectly  

  • on yellow or red lines
  • on a greenway or in a bus stop
  • in parking bays
  • double parking next to communal bins
  • on footways, at a dropped crossing or double parked
  • on a road along the tram line

then you can let us know using our online form.

Please ensure you include the street name as we will be unable to act without it. Please use the text boxes within the form to provide us with any additional details. This includes information about the vehicle, where it was seen, if it is parked there now or when (day and time) it usually parks.

Enforcement of the new parking rules started on Monday 29 January 2024.   

Report incorrectly parked vehicles

A parking attendant will be sent as soon as possible to check the area, but we may not be able to attend right away if we're busy elsewhere. Any reports not attended to immediately, will be followed up in due course. Please do not send us multiple requests about the same vehicle / location.

Parking attendants may ask the driver to move on or will issue a parking ticket if a vehicle is observed parking incorrectly. The vehicle may be impounded if it is causing an obstruction to other vehicles and pedestrians.

Unfortunately, we cannot assist if a vehicle is

  • at a boxed junction
  • on zig zag markings
  • parked outside a driveway (please note: not all dropped kerbs are enforceable)
  • causing a hazard.

Police Scotland may be able to help and can be contacted on their non-emergency number


Search public roads in 91Ô­´´

We read and will investigate every report, taking enforcement action where appropriate but we will not be able respond or feedback to customers.