
Strategic parking review

Why we reviewed parking across 91Ô­´´

We began a review in response to communities across the city asking us to tackle parking problems. Residents in some areas told us that the lack of parking controls makes it difficult for them and their visitors to park near their homes.

A report to the Transport and Environment committee on 9 August 2018 explained that there had been significant interest in parking controls from

  • Leith Walk
  • Corstorphine
  • Shandon 
  • Moredun 
  • South Morningside.

We agreed that a review of parking pressures should look at parking across the whole city. By taking a holistic approach we could compare results for every area and make recommendations based on where the evidence suggested there was the greatest pressure on parking.

How we carried out the review

The review was divided into five primary areas, with those larger areas subdivided into a total of 124 smaller, local neighbourhoods.

Site visits were carried out by a small group of surveyors. They recorded details of how busy each street was, calculating the amount of space available and what percentage of that space was being used. Every street was visited to make sure we knew the level of parking across the whole of 91Ô­´´.

Using the figures for each street we created a score for each local area, which represented a percentage of how much of the available space was occupied.

Heat maps were also produced for each area showing how busy or quiet each street was, so that we could better understand where parking pressures did, or did not, exist. The data was used to compile a priority list.

The results were reported to Transport and Environment committee across three separate committee meetings in 2019.

Area 1 - West 91Ô­´´

Areas 2 and 3 - North East 91Ô­´´ and South West 91Ô­´´

Areas 4 and 5 - South East 91Ô­´´ and North 91Ô­´´, plus the full results and recommendations


Recommendations were made based on the full results, geographical location and the potential for parking pressures to migrate from one area to another.

The results determined areas where parking controls could benefit residents, businesses and visitors.

We’re bringing forward proposals in four phases:

  • Phase 1 - Leith / Abbeyhill and Gorgie / Shandon
  • Phase 2 - Lochend / Ryehill (called “West Leith” on our plans), Bonnington, Willowbrae and the A8 Corridor
  • Phase 3 - Priority parking areas B1, B3, B4, B5, B7 and B10, plus Fettes and Prestonfield
  • Phase 4 - Newhaven, Trinity and Portobello

Not all of the areas listed are being taken forward at this time. See the latest progress in your area for more detail, as well as updates on each of these phases.

Download the strategic review of parking phase plan


The review highlights areas we need to monitor. Based on existing pressures and potential for migration into other areas, monitoring allows us to understand changes in parking patterns and to act where required.

Regular reports will be taken to committee to update on monitoring progress.

Monitoring will start before any new controls are introduced and will be repeated at intervals to gauge changes in parking demand.