91Ô´´ has an ambitious agenda for change, for a healthier, thriving, fairer and compact capital city with a higher quality of life for all residents.
The George Street and First New Town Public Realm Improvements Project reflects this bigger vision for the city. It has been developed over a number of years, with extensive consultation, and in response to a range of key city plans including:
City Centre Transformation: an ambitious 10-year strategy and delivery plan that seeks to provide a people-focused city centre, which is a desirable place to live, work and visit.
City Plan 2030: the new Local Development Plan for 91Ô´´ which will set out policies and proposals for development in 91Ô´´ between 2020 and 2030.
City Mobility Plan2021-2030: a ten-year strategy that sets out proposals to transform the way people, goods and services travel around the city.
Walking, wheeling and cycling routes which include:
connecting communities across the city centre.
Roseburn to Union Canal, providing a safer, green connection with facilities for the local community
Watch the animation about the proposals for George Street.
Consultation and collaboration
The proposed plan for George Street follows several years of development and engagement to refine design objectives with residents, businesses and stakeholders, including community councils and heritage, business, walking, cycling and accessibility groups. Read about previous consultations and what they told us.
We will deliver improvements as part of a coordinated package of projects under 91Ô´´ City Centre Transformation. This includes the Meadows to George Street and City Centre West East Link schemes, which will transform walking, wheeling and cycling routes and connections across the city centre.
Consultation and engagement
February and March 2021
Engagement with key groups, which informed .
October to June 2022
Engagement with key stakeholder groups including Spokes, Living Streets, 91Ô´´ Action Panel, Essential 91Ô´´, 91Ô´´ World Heritage, Historic Environment Scotland, New Town and Broughton Community Council and George Street Association to develop final Stage 3 design proposals.
March to June 2022
Engagement with residents and businesses in George Street and the First New Town to help us prepare the an updated operational plan. This focussed on what travel will look like on George Street and other key aspects such as blue badge parking and deliveries.
November 2023 to February 2024
We asked for your views on the proposed designs for the cross streets, .
1998 “Public Spaces, Public Life” published
2011 “Public Spaces, Public Life” refreshed
2013 The Council approves “Building a Vision for the City Centre”
2014-2015 New layout and operating arrangements trialed on George Street
2016-2017 Consultation on initial design concepts for George Street
Oct 2017 study area widened to include First New Town streets
2018-2019 Concept design development – ongoing stakeholder and public consultation
Oct 2020 - Feb 2021 Stakeholder engagement to inform final concept designs
Feb -Mar 2021 Public information material issued for final concept designs
March 2021 Local business and resident engagement
April 2021 Council and Sustrans committees
August 2021 Council Transport and Environment Committee
September 2021 Detailed design commences
3 Nov 2022 Council Transport and Environment Committee Stage 3 Design proposals.
The project has a total estimated capital cost of £36million with investment secured from Transport Scotland via Sustrans Places for Everyone programme.
It is one of most significant walking, wheeling and cycling projects in Scotland, receiving the highest level of funding through the Sustrans-led Places for Everyone (formerly Community Links Plus) fund.
Funds were initially awarded in in a multi-year agreement in 2019, allowing for the development of detailed and technical designs and progress to construction.
Funding for the project is ‘ring fenced’ and provided through Scottish Government specifically to construct ambitious projects which make it easier for everyone to travel actively.