
Community Grants Fund

South West

The total available for South West Community Grants Fund (CGF) in 2025/26 is £45,274. The deadline for the next funding round is midnight on Wednesday 30th April 2025.

Application and guidance 

You can find the fund guidance and application form below. Please read the guidance before applying. 

Download the Community Grants Fund applicant guidance

Apply for a grant

View South West neighbourhood area map

Awards made in 2024/25

Round 1

  • Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust: Awarded £2000 for consultation activities and events to assess community need and develop a future work plan for ongoing development of the canalside area. 
  • North Merchiston Club: Awarded £3711 towards the purchase of equipment to enable improvements to the soft play facilities at North Merchiston Club, targeting children/families with additional support needs. 
  • The Wee Haven Youth Project: Awarded £3696 to pay for free summer outings and events for young people in the SW CGF area as part of a summer youth programme. 
  • Music in the Community: Awarded £2000 towards resources and freelance musician costs (focusing on musicians from minority ethnic groups) as part of a festival with free events at Saughton Park this summer. 
  • Longstone Community Council: Awarded £455 for installation of a bench top and planting up of the surrounding area at Redhall Park. 
  • Castlerock Edinvar: Awarded £2000 to clean up and re-paint the Calder underpasses together with street artists, local school pupils, youth groups and community-based projects. 

Round 2

  • Big Hearts Community Trust: Awarded £2892 as contribution towards costs for Neuro Stars project at Tynecastle Park on a Friday afternoon, for neurodiverse young people and their families. 
  • The Big Project: Awarded: Awarded £2000 for cost of holiday activities and outings in an around 91Ô­´´ for young people from the Broomhouse area. 
  • Living Rent: Awarded £3301 for four 'Know Your Rights' housing related training sessions for targeted groups of tenants in the South West area of the city including parents on low incomes and minority ethnic community members.   
  • St Bride’s Community Centre: Awarded £1000 towards replacement of stage curtains. 
  • Mind You Health and Wellbeing: Awarded £555.02 contribution towards the cost of equipment and materials (mainly art and craft) to assist in the provision mental health sessions for young people in the SW area.   
  • Tummies Not Trash: Awarded £2000 to enable purchase of a fridge and a freezer to enable storage of food for distribution and provision of a community café space over the Christmas and New Year period.   
  • 91Ô­´´ Union Canal Society: Awarded £2000 for materials and equipment for refurbishment of three canal boats over winter 2024/5, plus provision of buoyancy aids. 
  • Longstone Community Council: Awarded £4800 to cover start-up costs for a weekly Junior 'Parkrun' event in the Hailes Quarry Park.