
Community Grants Fund

Portobello and Craigmillar

The total available for Portobello and Craigmillar Community Grants Fund (CGF) in 2025/26 is £22,637. The deadline for the next funding round is midnight on Wednesday 30th April 2025.

Application and guidance 

You can find the fund guidance and application form below. Please read the guidance before applying.

Download the Community Grants Fund applicant guidance

Apply for a grant

View Portobello and Craiglmillar neighbourhood area map

Awards made in 2024/25

  • Craigmillar Literacy Trust: Awarded £2950 for 'Summer of Stories' summer family literacy events in Craigmillar and surrounding areas. 
  • Jewel Miner’s Welfare Society: Awarded £1978 towards purchase of equipment to enable development of a youth bowling section for up to 20 local young people. 
  • Oi Musica CIC: Awarded £1160 to cover freelance staffing costs for three Brass Blast taster sessions at Brunstane primary. 
  • Portobello Sailing and Kayaking Club: Awarded of £2030 to provide a 5-week activities course for local young people in collaboration with Bridge 8. 
  • MECOPP: Awarded £2787 for equipment and furnishings to develop use of the community hub at the North Cairntow Gypsy Traveller site. 
  • Circle: Awarded £1140 for materials and refreshment costs to run a ‘Makers Group’ for children and families affected by substance misuse in Craigmillar 
  • Art Buds CIC: Awarded £1665 towards costs for running one week of outdoor arts based summer holiday provision for/with children from Bingham and the Magdalenes. 
  • St Teresa’s Youth Club: Awarded £1292.01 for food, events, outing and training costs to support the running of the St Teresa's Youth Club in Craigmillar 
  • Jack Kane Community Centre: Awarded £1000 to cover the purchase of new equipment for the JKCC kitchen, to benefit a variety of groups who use the centre. 
  • Livity Youth Scotland: Awarded £1250.99 towards staffing and other costs for development of a staffed pilot youth project targeting young people from BAME communities. 
  • Thistle Health and Wellbeing: Awarded £1334 for worker, food and materials costs for three 8-week blocks of 'Mindful Mothers' peer support groups in the Craigmillar area. 
  • 91Ô­´´ Food Project: Awarded £4050 for the purchase of phone-based translation services to reduce barriers to participation for BAME community members receiving support from a money advice service in Craigmillar.