
Wester Hailes regeneration

Murrayburn, Hailesland and Dumbryden improvements

Mixed Tenure Housing improvements

 is a new pilot which aims to improve the condition and energy efficiency of housing in 91Ô­´´’s neighbourhoods. The service is currently working with private owners and Council tenants to organise work on 180 blocks in Wester Hailes, across the Murrayburn, Hailesland and Dumbryden areas. The work will be carried out in phases over a three year period, starting before the end of this year.

Wider public realm improvements

To complement the refurbishment of the housing blocks, we are also working on plans to deliver a wide range of estate improvements across Murrayburn, Hailesland and Dumbryden. This will involve

  • delivering physical place-making improvements across the area
  • making better use of space with a particular focus on community greenspace
  • reduced car parking
  • active travel provision
  • play space
  • improved lighting and seating.

Atkins have been appointed by us to lead the design work on the wider public realm improvements. Initial consultation with residents and community groups will begin in November 2021.