Case study and customer feedback
Find out how 91Ô´´ Shared Repairs Service have supported 91Ô´´ owners with their shared repairs.
Case study - tenement repair
How we helped to get all the owners to agree to pay their share
A tenement of 16 owners had been trying to get £42,000 worth of roof and chimney repairs done for a long time. Most owners had paid apart from three owners who failed to engage with the owners who were trying to organise the repairs. This was stopping the repairs going forward.
The owners who had agreed to the repair applied to us to pay the missing shares. The service is there to support owners when they can’t get everyone to agree to pay for a common repair. The 91Ô´´ Shared Repairs Service can agree to pay owner’s missing shares and then recover the money due from the owner. I contacted the owners who hadn’t replied to agree to pay, letting them know that the service would be paying their share and would recover the debt from them using legal proceedings.
91Ô´´ Shared Repair Service team member
The result
Within a few hours two of the three owners had paid in full and the following week the third owner also paid. The remaining 13 owners were very happy to be able to get on with the repairs to their tenement.
Customer feedback
Can I take this opportunity to thank you very much for your assistance with this - which I have no doubt has made a critical difference and will allow these repair works to proceed. So, on behalf of all of the Association. Many thanks!
This has been the first time I used this service and to say I am blown away with the service I received from both members of the team I have dealt with at the missing shares would be an understatement.
Very friendly and extremely knowledgeable – as this is the first time I have completed this exercise both of your colleagues have taken the time to speak with me on the phone and provided an excellent service.
Feedback always seems to be negative so I believe excellent service should be highlighted and the service so far has been nothing short than amazing.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of  you who have played a part in the this repair especially those who worked with me in the Shared Repair section to secure those 2 missing payments. Thank you so much for all your help.’
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