RingGo - cashless parking payments
If you don't park where we have a contactless machine or have loose change, you can pay for parking using your phone and our RingGo service.
How to register
You can or call 0131 516 4000.
When you register you will need to provide
- the registration number, colour and make of your vehicle
- your payment card details
- your address.
Once registered you can easily pay for parking using your mobile. on their website.
Smartphones and tablets
If you have a smartphone or tablet you can now pay to park with the RingGo app which you can download for free from your app store. Please note that you will need internet access in order to purchase a session.
The app makes it easy to find your nearest parking place and pay and extend your stay using RingGo.
Text to park
Find out how to . You can also use this service to make corrections to your payment or extend a session.
Once you have registered it only costs the price of a standard text.
On street parking in 91Ô´´ is not subject to VAT although text messages are. You can view and print your VAT receipt online or receive an email everytime you park. Please on the RingGo website if you wish to access your VAT receipts for text messages.
RingGo refund
RingGo refunds are only considered in cases where 2 sessions have been purchased covering the same location and time or when incorrect vehicles have been used and a subsequent session has been purchased.
We do not issue refunds when time is purchased outwith restricted times. This is because the time will be calculated to the next charging period. The days and times of restriction are clearly displayed on the front of the ticket machine (for contactless machines when purchasing process begins) and the signage at the location. The onus is on the driver to ensure they read this information before purchasing parking time.