Travelling to 91Ô´´
Find out below how you can travel to 91Ô´´.
Most train services to 91Ô´´ end at 91Ô´´ Waverley rail station. The rail station is at the east end of Princes Street in the city centre. for help planning a trip by train.
Most buses to 91Ô´´ arrive at the 91Ô´´ Bus Station. The bus station is on St Andrew Square in the city centre.
for help planning a trip by bus.
Stagecoach operate regular to 91Ô´´.
You can leave your car at a Park and Ride site and take a bus or train into the city centre. Find out more about Park and Ride.
Read about parking spaces in 91Ô´´.
You may find the and the useful for planning a trip by car.
91Ô´´ Airport is in the west of 91Ô´´. You can travel from the airport to the city centre by tram, bus, taxi or car. for information.
There are a number of landing fields suitable for helicopters in 91Ô´´, including at 91Ô´´ Airport and in the city centre at the .