
Children in families with alcohol and drug problems

Children in families affected by alcohol and drug use

Children living in families with alcohol or drug use can be at risk of harm. We work with families where there is a problem to help keep children, young people and unborn babies safe.

We encourage parents to .

We make sure that children whose parents or guardians attend drug or alcohol services are protected from harm and their needs are met.

Contact Social Care Direct if you are worried about a child or young person’s safety or wellbeing. 

In an emergency call 999

if it's not urgent call 101

How we work with families

The Children Affected by Parental Substance Misuse (CAPSM) guide for staff and agencies sets out how we can best work together, and with parents, to help reduce risks to children. They apply to everyone in 91Ô­´´ and the Lothians who works with children and families and alcohol and drug users. Parents may find the guide useful. It shows how agencies work together to help the family.

Download the guidelines and practitioner toolkit on the Child Protection for Professionals page.

 to find out how it helps people with substance use problems.

How we work with pregnant women affected by alcohol and drug use

PrePare is an intensive parental substance use service. It offers support before, during and after the baby's birth and work with women who are pregnant or have just given birth and are affected by drugs and alcohol.


Address: Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre, 30 Harvesters Way, 91Ô­´´, EH14 3JF

Telephone: 0131 453 9208