
Adult protection

Speak up if you or an adult you know is being harmed.

In a emergency phone


or contact Social Care Direct.

Download adult protection guides

Download hoarding protocol and tools

Forms of harm

  • Physical, such as hitting or shaking
  • Sexual activity that is not wanted or understood
  • Neglect, such as failure to provide food, heating or medical care
  • Threats of harm, such as being left alone, humiliated, intimidated or verbally abused
  • Self-harm or self-neglect, including hoarding

Anyone could cause harm. It could be family, friends, paid staff, volunteers, service users or strangers. Some adults may be more at risk because of a disability, illness or health condition.

Financial harm

Speak up if you or someone you know is feeling under pressure to hand over money or personal property.

Financial harm includes

  • stealing, cheating or fraud
  • abuse of property or benefits
  • putting on pressure to have a will rewritten
  • stopping someone from having their money or belongings.

When you report a concern

Social workers, the police and NHS Lothian staff may hold a meeting. They will work with the person who is being harmed to decide what to do. You may be contacted. Your knowledge of the person being harmed may help when deciding how best to keep them safe.