
Get involved in major development proposals

Community involvement

Developers must carry out a pre-application consultation with the community at least 12 weeks before any national or major planning application is submitted. Developers start this process by submitting a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN).

The notice must detail the consultation process the developer will undertake including

  • when
  • how
  • with whom.

Communities will have the opportunity to express their views and have an input to the application at an early stage. During this time developers might arrange

  • exhibitions with people on hand to answer questions
  • meetings with community councils
  • information on social media  
  • bespoke websites for the development
  • posters in local libraries and other public places
  • leaflets distributed to properties in the local area.

View current pre application consultations

Choose proposal of application notice from the application type drop down menu.

set by the Scottish Government came into force on 1 October 2022.  updates the consultation requirements and places an 18 month time limit on the submission of applications after the PAN.

Community engagement makes a difference

The consultation should be a meaningful engagement with those who can represent the community’s views. It should offer the opportunity to make a difference and deal with community issues that can be addressed.

It should be carried out in the spirit of the 91Ô­´´ development concordat.

Find out more about the pre-application consultation process.

Community Councils

Community Councils play an important role in the planning system. For major development proposals, there should be early and broad-based engagement with them.

Find out more about .