
Visitors' parking permits

We’re making changes to our visitors’ parking permits. Instead of paper permits, you will be able to buy parking for your visitors using our new online service.
While we work on making these changes, please only order books when you need to use them. To reduce wastage, we may send you permits valid for this year only.  
We will write to residents with more details about the new system nearer the time. You will still be able to use any remaining paper permits up until their expiry date.
In the meantime, visitor permit books will continue to be posted to you. Please ensure that you have completed your application for the correct address. We will be unable to reimburse you or replace visitor permits that are sent to an incorrectly registered address. If you have queries about the format of your address on our system, please contact us before submitting an application. Please allow seven working days for the permits to arrive from the date they are activated.  During periods of high demand, it may take longer than seven days.


You can apply for visitors' parking permits online, if you live in

  • Zones 1 to 4
  • Zones 5 to 8
  • N1 to N8
  • S1 to S7
  • Priority Parking Areas (PPA) B1 to B10.

You can check which zone you're in with our parking permits map.

If you already have a parking permit use your existing details to login to your account and apply for visitors permits. 

If you do not have a parking permit, you will need to create an online account before you can make an application. We will require proof of address as part of your application. You can choose to upload documents or verify your address through an Experian check. This should take you no longer than 10 minutes to apply.

If you have a blue badge you can apply for more permits at a cheaper price. You may need to enter your valid blue badge number or supply a copy of both sides of your badge.

Visitors’ parking permits do not guarantee the holder a parking place.

Download the visitors' parking permits terms and conditions (PDF, 137KB)


You can find the visitors' prices per book in the table below.

Permit type Maximum number per household Price
Central (Zones 1 to 4) 20 books £39.60
Central zones - blue badge holder 40 books £19.80
Peripheral (Zones 5 to 8) 15 books £27
Peripheral zones - blue badge holder 30 books £13.50
Extended (Zones N1 to N8 and S1 to S7) 15 books £25
Extended zones - blue badge holder 30 books £12.50
Priority parking areas (B1 to B10) 3 books £14.00
Priority parking areas - blue badge holder 6 books £7.00

Permits are sold in books of ten. One permit lasts for 90 minutes of parking in permit holders' or shared use parking places within the appropriate zone or for the full controlled period in a PPA place. Permits can't be used in mews areas.

How to use 

To use visitors' parking permits scratch out the

  • hours and minutes to the next nearest five minutes
  • day, date, month and year.

You must scratch out six boxes on each permit.

If your visitor is staying for longer than 90 minutes complete the same six boxes on each permit. So, if they arrive at 9am and are staying for three hours, scratch out 9am on two permits. You only need one permit in a PPA as the controls only last 90 minutes.

The details on each permit must be clearly visible from outside the vehicle or the vehicle may receive a parking ticket.

Exchanges and refunds

Please only order the number of books that you need. To minimise wastage of pre-printed stationery we may send you books valid for the current year only. If you have full books of unused, out of date permits remaining, we can exchange these for new permits towards the end of the year.  

We can only refund full books of unused permits for customers who have moved out of eligible areas.  Refunds will only be available for books still valid for at least 6 months of the current year or future years. 

We are unable offer refunds in any other circumstances or for single permits in any instance.

Residents' Parking

If you have any problems, please email us in the first instance. We will be able to resolve most issues this way.