
Apply for a residents' or priority parking permit

New residents

You can apply for, renew and manage your residents' parking permit with our online service, NSL Apply.

You will need to create an online account before you can make an application. Please ensure you are using the latest version of your device's operating system and internet browser.  If your device isn't up to date, this could cause payment issues.

You will need to upload proof of vehicle ownership as part of your application. You can choose to upload documents to verify your address or complete an Experian check. This should take you no longer than 15 minutes to apply. 

You will receive an email to confirm we have received your application. Once approved and payment has been made your permit will be activated.  You will receive an email to confirm this. Do not park until your permit is showing as active on your account.

Download our first time parking permit application guide (PDF, 1.71MB)

If you have any problems completing your application, please email residentsparking@edinburgh.gov.uk

Please note we no longer issue paper copies of parking permits.  Your active parking permit will be available for the Parking Attendant to view on their handheld device.

More information and guidance about your residents parking permit is available.

What you may need

You need to prove you are the main driver of the vehicle and that you live at your address. You may need to upload

  • proof of address, such as; a lease, utility bill, bank or mortgage statement, Council Tax bill or medical card - no more than three months old.
  • proof of vehicle ownership, your vehicle registration certificate V5C.
  • If the vehicle is not registered in your name, you will also need to prove that you are the main keeper of the vehicle. Please see Section 1 of the Residents' Permits Terms and Conditions for further details.
  • If you have a blue badge, you may need to enter your valid badge number or a copy of both sides of the badge.

Please note that a residents' parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking place.

Download residents' permits Terms and Conditions (PDF, 50 KB)

Blue Badge holders

Disabled residents with blue badges can now apply for or renew your parking permit online. You do not need pay for your permit but you still need to apply if you want to park in a residents' permit bay.


Students can't buy a parking permit if you live in purpose-built student lodgings. This does not apply to students living in private houses.

Permit prices

Our online application process will calculate your permit price for you. You can also find your permit price if you know the area you live in and your vehicle's CO2 emissions or engine size for older vehicles.  Please note that all new or first time applications for a diesel-fuelled vehicle will be subject to an annual surcharge.  Find out more infomation about the diesel surcharge.

Residents' Parking

If you have any problems, please email us in the first instance. We will be able to resolve most issues this way.