
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

In line with , we have prepared a

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The LHEES sets a plan for decarbonising heat in buildings in 91Ô­´´ and improving their energy efficiency. The Delivery Plan sets out the first stage of actions for delivering this strategy.

The have been published following approval by the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee on 15 December 2023.

A consultation on the LHEES and Delivery Plan ran until 3 March 2024. An updated LHEES and Delivery Plan which considers the response will be presented to Councillors in due course.

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Similar to the LHEES is the Climate Ready 91Ô­´´ Plan. The plan explains why we need to adapt our city to the impacts of climate change, including the most up-to-date projections of how 91Ô­´´’s climate is likely to change in the future, the impacts of this, and the implications this has for the city.

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Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)