
Improving 91Ô­´´ neighbourhoods

The process

There are three phases to the MTIS process

Stage 1 – consultation, survey and vote

We will

  • contact all residents to introduce ourselves and explain the service
  • assign a dedicated case officer for your block
  • conduct a vote to proceed with a building condition survey in blocks where the council owns less than 51% of the flats
  • do a survey of the building to assess the condition of external walls, roofs, drainage etc and identify level of insulation (we will not survey inside private homes)
  • identify any work required to bring the building up to an acceptable standard or repair any issues with the building
  • prepare a cost estimate for the work based on the issues found as part of the building survey. This estimate is based on the cost of similar work delivered by the Council
  • send all owners a cost estimate, a copy of the survey report and a vote form for the repairs
  • ask owners to vote for or against the recommended work
  • let all residents know the result of the vote - the ‘Scheme Decision’
  • assist homeowners to apply for any government funding they are eligible for
  • represent all council-owned flats during the project.

Stage 2 - construction

We will

  • obtain relevant statutory consents i.e. building warrants
  • appoint reputable contractors to carry out the work and give you details of the work timetable
  • ensure building standards, health and safety standards and other regulatory requirements are met by our contractors
  • provide an updated cost estimate to owners
  • oversee the project and keep owners and residents updated on the progress of the work.

Stage 3 – completion and billing

We will

  • check the work is complete and to a high standard and agree the final account with the contractor
  • contact owners with an invoice for your share of the work
  • support homeowners through our Scheme of Assistance which includes available grant aid, payment plans, property purchase etc.
  • conclude statutory consents i.e. obtain completion certification.