
Home care costs

The assessment form

If you want to access social care service, you first need to contact Social Care Direct. They will arrange to meet you to assess your needs. If you need support, you will have to pay a contribution towards most services.  

We will send you a form to complete, unless you have free services only.

If you have savings of more than £29,750, or do not wish to tell us about your money, you should sign our form to say you are willing to pay.

If you do not fill in the form you will be charged the full hourly rate less any free personal care hours.

You can ask someone else to fill in the form, but you or your  will need to sign the form. 

You may need to send us copies of

  • bank, building society or saving account statements or passbooks
  • terms and conditions of any trusts
  • Power of attorney or financial guardian documents.

You should contact your social worker or Social Care Direct if you have any difficulty with the form.

If you disagree with us

You should contact Social Care Direct if you are not happy with how your charge has been worked out.
You can also challenge the decision through our social work complaints team.