
Get care and support

The agreed criteria

When we assess your needs we look at your individual circumstances.  Then we use eligibility criteria to decide if you have priority needs.

We usually look at

  • personal safety 
  • personal care
  • family and social responsibilities
  • carer needs.

We consider the risks to your safety and independence if you do not get help.  We will decide if your needs are

  • critical or substantial
  • moderate or low.

We will prioritise your support if you have critical or substantial needs. If your needs are moderate or low, we will suggest other organisations that can offer help and advice. They can help you stay independence and help you to learn to do things for yourself.

There is help and advice available in 91Ô­´´.

  • The  is an online directory of community and voluntary sector organisations and services across 91Ô­´´.
  •  provide information about hospital and community services in 91Ô­´´ as well as advice on keeping well
  • You can also find out more about the services we provide from the .