Get advice or refer someone for help
There is help and advice available in 91Ô´´. You don’t always need to contact Social Care Direct to access this.
- The is an online directory of community and voluntary sector organisations and services across 91Ô´´.
- provide information about hospital and community services in 91Ô´´ as well as advice on keeping well
- You can also find out more about the services we provide from the .
Due to current pressures, waiting times for assessment and arranging services are longer than we want. We are working hard so that people who need help can get it. We give priority to people who have critical or substantial needs.
We will assess you to find out how urgent your need for social care services is. If your needs are moderate or low, we will suggest other organisations that can offer help and advice.
So we are able to prioritise our work, social work teams will focus on core and critical tasks:
- adult and support protection
- hospital discharge
- prevention of hospital admission
- urgent assessment of need
- high risk of imminent harm.
You can request this by contacting social care direct or completing the online form.
If you or an adult you know need social care because of significant risk or you have adult protection concerns, please contact social care direct by telephone on 0131 200 2324.
How to contact Social Care Direct
Online referral form
- ask for support from the Council
- make a change to support you already receive
- change information you have provided in an outstanding request
- ask a question or provide information
Email us
Phone us
0131 200 2324
Our opening hours are
- 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday
- 8.30am to 3.55pm on Fridays
In an emergency
At all other times please contact our out of hours emergency service.