Support for people from Ukraine

Last updated 24 October 2023
Будь ласка натисніть прочитати українською
Super Sponsor Scheme
In July 2022, the Scottish Government announced a pause on new visa applications for displaced Ukrainians to come to Scotland. We will update this information when applications are opened again.
Information from UK Government
If you or your friends and family have been affected and need support, you can get information on the UK Government's website:
How to apply to submit biometric information
If you have been granted six months' leave to remain in the UK, you can on the UK Government website.
High commissions, embassies and consulates in the UK
The consulate's normal opening hours are
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9am to 1pm
- Tuesday between 2pm to 6pm
- Thursday: only for people who are disabled, pregnant or seriously ill between 9am to 1pm
0131 556 0023
In cases of emergency life-threatening situations telephone 07909 056906
Other embassies
You can get details of all in the UK on the UK Government website.
Immediate/emergency support from the Council
If you are calling from the airport, rail station or bus station for advice on accommodation and other support, or need to contact the council in an emergency, telephone
0131 200 2306
Scottish Refugee Council
Free helpline. Telephone
0808 196 7274
Legal advice
Citizens Advice Bureau
If you need advice on issues including employment, immigration or legal advice, you can contact the .
NHS 111: for physical or mental health.
Telephone 111