- Name
- Newcraighall Park and Ride
- Opening hours
- 24hr Car Park Access
- Address
- Newcraighall Road, Newcraighall
- Post code
- EH21 8RX
- Bus information
- Train information
please contact Scotrail
- Direction from 91Ô´´
- East
- Spaces (total)
- 565
- Disabled parking spaces
- 30
- Parking costs
- 50p per 24 hours of parking
- Public transport connections
Newcraighall park and ride links to rail services to Waverley, Haymarket and 91Ô´´ Park. Trains take just 11 minutes to reach 91Ô´´ city centre and run about every half hour. You can also catch Lothian Bus 30 from Newcraighall. Please see the and websites for the latest route plans/timetables.
- Location description
On the eastern outskirts of 91Ô´´,
just off the A1 and accessed via
Newcraighall Road.
Follow the signs from the A720 City Bypass. - Overnight parking
This site is operated by Scotrail. For overnight parking, or any other parking or train service related queries, please contact Scotrail
- Full map