- Name
- Hermiston Park and Ride
- Opening hours
- 24hr Car Park Access. Main Building is closed
- Address
- Riccarton Mains Road, Currie, Midlothian
- Post code
- EH14 4AT
- Bus information
- Other information
Please note that due to a major event at Murryfield on the 7th 8th and 9th June, this car park will fill up early in the day.
- Additional site specific info
- Vehicle Max Height 1.9m/6'3" Main building closed, no toilets
- Direction from 91Ô´´
- West
- Spaces (total)
- 450
- Disabled parking spaces
- 11
- Parking costs
- Free
- Public transport connections
Hermiston Park and Ride is served by various operators
- Location description
- Access from the A71, just west of the A720 City Bypass Calder junction.Vehicles and their contents are left in this car park at the owner’s sole risk in all respects. Neither 91Ô´´ City Council nor any of its servants, agents or contractors accepts liability for any theft or loss of, or damage, howsoever caused, to vehicles, accessories or contents incurred on the premises of the car park
- Overnight parking
Hermiston Park and Ride is a 24 hour operation where overnight parking is permitted for up to 3 nightts No details need to be given and permission is not required for this.
- Full map