When you become a City of 91Ô´´ Council tenant you will sign a tenancy agreement, this is a contract between you and the council. Most tenants will sign a Scottish Secure Tenancy (SST)
The SST provides details of City of 91Ô´´ Councils (the landlords) rights and responsibilities and your (the tenant) rights and responsibilities.
Your rights include
- a joint tenancy, as long as you get written permission from your Housing Officer
- transfer (assign) or sublet your property with our permission
- get certain urgent repairs done quickly and at no cost to you under the ‘right to repair’ scheme
- carry out improvements to your home, with our permission
- exchange your property with another council tenant (mutual exchange), with written permission from your Housing Officer.
Your responsibilities include
- paying your rent on time
- using the property as your main home
- telling us if you have a change in circumstances, or the people living in your home changes
- taking reasonable care not to damage your home or common areas and to keep common areas and any garden in a tidy condition
- you, those living with you and your visitors must not cause a nuisance or act antisocially
- you must give us access to carry out any repairs or required annual checks where we give you 24 hours notice.