
Council housing annual tenants report


Every year the Scottish Housing Regulator reviews social landlord performance.  on key indicators at the Scottish Housing Regulator’s website and compare our performance with other landlords in Scotland.

Along with the performance indicators, the ARC includes seven satisfaction indicators, that we are required to ask our tenants through survey at least once every three years.  The tenant satisfaction results reported in the 2023/24 ARC were a combination of results from the 2021 and 2022 tenant surveys.  All seven satisfaction questions were asked in 2021 tenant survey, but three of them were asked again in 2022 tenant survey, where the updated results were reported in the latest ARC.  The most recent tenant survey was carried out over the summer of 2024 and included all seven satisfaction questions, which will be reported in the 2024/25 ARC.

The Council declared a Housing Emergency on 2 November 2023, citing significant pressures to the city’s housing market, including homelessness rates and housing costs.  The Housing Emergency Action Plan (HEAP) 2024-2029 was subsequently published in March 2024.  The Plan contains six priorities:

  • Simplifying access to housing
  • Quality housing
  • Data and partnerships
  • Customer experience
  • Specialised support
  • Finance and funding.

While the Plan covers all aspects of housing across all tenures, requiring joint working with partners, many of the actions relates to the Council’s housing service, with an aim to improve service performance and tenants’ satisfaction; for example, there are actions to “improve the standard of repairs and repairs response for Council Housing” and “improve the relationship between housing officer and tenant, ensuring local housing staff are visible in their localities and available to meet tenants where and when this is required”.

The HEAP is therefore referenced throughout this report on how we are improving our service.

If you would like to find out more about the HEAP or if you have any feedback on this report, please email housing.research@edinburgh.gov.uk or phone 0131 529 7805.