Where to get help
Speak to a debt advisor
Speaking to an advisor could also help you find cheaper deals on things like gas and electricity and make sure you’re not missing out on things like school clothing grants or free school meals.
Each of these services can offer free and confidential advice.
The Advice Shop
Advice on welfare rights, benefits, crisis grants and all types of debt.
Call 0131 200 2360
Email advice.shop@edinburgh.gov.uk
Citizens Advice 91Ô´´
Advice on benefits, debt, money, housing and more.
Call 0131 510 5510
Community Help and Advice Initiative
Help with welfare rights, debt and housing advice.
Call 0131 442 2100
Email chai@chaiedinburgh.org.uk
Granton Information Centre
Advice on welfare rights, housing, rent arrears, debt and money.
Call 0131 551 2459 or 0131 552 0458
Email info@gic.org.uk
Scottish Welfare Fund
Crisis grants to cover the cost of an emergency.
Call 0131 529 5299
Email welfarefundteam@edinburgh.gov.uk
Map of agencies providing advice
The map below shows the location of agencies that can provide support and assistance. Click the dots on the map for services and contact details.
GP practices
Citizens Advice Bureau
Housing association
Voluntary sector
The City of 91Ô´´ Council