A short break allows unpaid carers to have time for themselves alongside their caring role. Use this page to find out how to access a break for yourself.
Arranging a break from caring
Ways to get a break from caring include
- residential breaks, day trips and activities: or
- respitality, where you and the person you care for can have a break together:
- flexible funding for activities, devices and support: .
There are other organisations across 91Ô´´ who can also help. If you would like help finding short breaks a worker can complete an Adult Carer Support Plan with you: Adult Carer Support Plans
Arranging replacement care
If the person you care for needs support while you take a break then support may be available, such as a Direct Payment to pay for care workers coming to the home, or time in a care home for the person you care for: How to get a direct payment
Support for the person you care for
The person you care for may be able to access a range of services, including lunch clubs, day centres or one to one care at home, for example through day services for older people: Day Services for Older People
Requesting support
To arrange replacement care or access to other services contact Social Care Direct: Ask Social Care Direct for Advice
The options we offer you will depend on the needs and preferences of the person you care for. The person you care for will need to have an assessment before a direct payment or other service is put in place: How we assess your needs
Due to current pressures, waiting times for assessment and arranging services are longer than we want. We are working hard so that people who need help can get it. We give priority to people who have critical or substantial needs: Critical or substantial needs
Short breaks services statement
91Ô´´ Health and Social Care Partnership have produced a Short Breaks Services Statement. This Statement is required by the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. It gives information about the short breaks services available locally and across Scotland for unpaid carers and the person or people they care for. Please note this statement is currently under review.
91Ô´´ Health and Social Care Partnership short breaks services statement