
Heat networks and building assessment reports

Building assessment reports

The requires Building Assessment Reports (BARs) to be produced for all non-domestic buildings in Scotland owned by the public sector with an annual heat demand of 73 megawatt-hours per year or more. BARs should set out the potential for the buildings in question to be supplied with heat from a heat network. The first BARs must be prepared "as soon as reasonably practicable" and thereafter every five years. Copies of all BARs for buildings in 91Ô­´´ must be submitted to both the Scottish Government and the City of 91Ô­´´ Council. Guidance on completing a BAR can be found .

You can submit BARs for buildings in 91Ô­´´ to the Council by emailing them to buildingassessmentreports@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Copies should also be emailed to the Scottish Government at heatnetworkBAR@gov.scot.

Developers of heat networks who are interested in accessing data from BARs for 91Ô­´´ can contact buildingassessmentreports@edinburgh.gov.uk.

If you are interested in accessing data from a BAR for a building in 91Ô­´´ email buildingassessmentreports@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)