
Factoring of community assets at Greendykes

Under the factoring regime for Greendykes, the owners of private homes that have been developed in the area by Barratt Homes and Taylor Wimpey are required to contribute to the costs of maintaining the following community assets:

  • North Park
  • South Park
  • Footpaths
  • Culvert
  • Sustainable Drainage System (SUDs) basin
  • Sustainable Drainage System (SUDs) underground storage

The costs of maintaining and insuring these assets are shared amongst private homeowners and the Council as set out in the deed of condition by Parc Craigmillar Limited and BDW Trading Limited and City of 91Ô­´´ Council. The relevant sections can be found at clauses 8 and 9 on pages 21 to 24. The deed of condition is reflected in the title deeds of homes in the area as a burden.

The current factor for the common assets at Greendykes is . If you are the owner of one of the homes in question, you will receive a bill from RMG setting out the sum you are required to contribute towards the upkeep of the common assets. RMG must be advised within five working days of any changes in ownership of the homes in question. If you have any queries, please contact
