Classes for people living in 91Ô´´
In 91Ô´´, classes for English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) are provided by different organisations. You can find out about their classes in the or call for information from Wednesday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. Advice is available in English, Ukrainian and Russian. Call
0800 085 7672
You can text 07849308759 (+447849308759) instead (but text messages must be in English)
These organisations have organised classes specifically for people from Ukraine who are living in 91Ô´´:
The Welcoming
Free, online and in-person classes. In-person classes are on a drop-in basis, but numbers are limited. You must .
Council ESOL classes
Free, online and in-person classes. These are informal classes to help learners with everyday English. They run for two hours per week, starting week beginning 26 September 2022. You can get on the Join In 91Ô´´ website. To apply either email or call
0800 085 7672
If you email, please say that you have recently arrived from Ukraine and include your
- full name
- email address
- phone number
- postcode
91Ô´´ College
The college has classes at various levels and in various venues across the city.
Classes taking place in Sighthill campus
The college recommends that young people between the ages of 16 and 19 years apply to campus-based classes. Some of these classes are also suitable for adults. Find out about the . Email Amy Champion-Maclean if you need any other information
Classes in other parts of the city
You can find more details about the classes in the Connect Here guide to ESOL classes. The next interviews will be in August for classes starting at the end of August. To apply email Agnieszka Waszak
Workers Educational Association
These are online and taking place over the summer. More information about these classes are in the Connect Here guide to ESOL classes or contact Archie Campbell
07748623438 (+447748623438)